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Maaike De Groene Amsterdammer- Eenzaamheid (gesleept).jpg



Acrylic paint, pastels and oil pastels on paper

Made for a project with De Groene Amsterdammer





Pastels and oil pastels on paper

Made for a project with De Groene Amsterdammer


"Wie eenzaam is, is vervreemd van de ander. Wie verlangt naar het alleen-zijn, is vervreemd van zichzelf. Beiden willen de verbroken verbinding herstellen. Dat lukt zodra je de blik van jezelf of anderen op jezelf vergeet."

"The one who is lonely, is detached from the other. The one who desires to be alone, is detached from themself. Both want to repair the lost connection. The way to do that is to forget the watchful eyes of yourself or others on you."

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